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Office of the Chief Coroner - Investigative Timeline


Death Occurs

Coroner starts Investigation at the scene. The scene investigation may take several hours, days, or even longer depending on the circumstance.

24 Hours

Family Contacted

Families will be advised if an autopsy is required. Coroners Office will register the death with Nunavut Vital Stats in Rankin Inlet.

Up to 12 Months

Report of the Coroner

If the death is natural and no recommendations are made, the Report of Coroner will generally be completed up to 12 months following receipt of all investigative information.

2-3 Years

Coroners Inquest

A verdict of the Coroners Inquest is a summary of the circumstances of death and may include recommendations. A verdict of the Inquest will be completed and released to the family.

24-48 Hours

No Autopsy Required

Body will be released to family within 24-48 hours.

4-7 Days

Autopsy Required

The body will be flown to a southern facilities (Ottawa, Edmonton, Winnipeg) at the earliest time. Autopsies are done in priority sequence with the exception of criminal matters. All criminal matters take precedent. Autopsies generally take 2-4 days, but can take longer in   exceptional cases. The body of the deceased will be transported back to the community at the earliest time.

The timelines quoted are general guidelines. Each investigation is unique and times can vary depending on the complexity of the investigation.

The office of the Chief Coroner for Nunavut continues to meet and exceed reporting timelines to families and the public in the majority of cases.

The Chief Coroner will contact next of kin with:

Preliminary autopsy results within 24 hours of the autopsy being completed;Toxicology results; and Final post mortem findings including cause and manner of death.

While the Office of the Chief Coroner is a public agency responsible for the investigation and reporting of deaths, sensitivities and confidences must be considered in respect of some disclosures. Information will not be disclosed that may interfere with, or impede RCMP or any other agency investigation.

It is recommended at any time throughout the process, next of kin can contact the office at (867) 975-7292 to request a status update.

Occasionally, an organ must be retained from the body. The organ must be “fixed” in order for proper examination. This process takes approximately 2-3 months for the organ to be examined by a specialist. The findings become part of the autopsy report. Next of kin will make the decision for further arrangements.

Some investigations require specialized investigations and reports. These may include medical, behavioural, RCMP, fire, occupational health & safety, entomology, forensic anthropology, odontology, and other specialties. These examinations and reports can take months to complete. Where possible and when not interfering with an ongoing investigation by a third part, the Chief       Coroner will advise families and next of kin of the status and progression of specialized investigations.

Toxicology results take approximately 3 months following autopsy. The Chief Coroner will call next of kin to advise the toxicology results upon availability.

Coroner’s Investigation

The Office of the Chief Coroner

Department of Justice

Government of Nunavut

PO Box 1000 Station 590

Iqaluit, Nunavut

X0A 0H0

Phone: (867) 975-7292

Fax:                 (867) 975-7294

Cell:                (867) 222-0063


The Nunavut Coroners Office is a fact-finding service, not a fault-finding service, which is independent from government, police and other agencies.

When a person dies without warning or as a result of a traumatic and unexplained event. The Office of the Chief Coroner investigates the circumstances of the death.

Nunavut’s Coroner Service ensures that no death is overlooked, concealed or ignored and helps improve public safety by making recommendations to prevent similar deaths in the future.

The coroner investigates a death to establish:

The identity of the deceased;

When the death occurred;

Where the death occurred;

How the death occurred, i.e. the medical cause of the death; and

By what means the death occurred (Homicide; Accidental; Natural; Suicide and Undetermined)

Certificate of Death / Proof of Death

Certificate of Death can be obtained by contacting the Government of Nunavut Vital Stats in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut:

            Phone:   (867) 645-8017

Proof of Death can be obtained from the Chief Coroners Office and is provided for only up to 3 month after the death of the deceased.

Role of the Coroner

Information About Next Steps

The sudden and unexpected death of someone close to you can raise some questions. if you need more information, Nunavut’s Coroner Service, though the Office of the Chief Coroner, is available for you.

Information about the next step for family of the deceased:

1) Investigation:

Each death is unique and the length of the time needed to complete an investigation varies           depending on it’s complexity.

Legal next of kin will be updated regularly as the investigation progresses

An autopsy may be required as a part of the investigation; toxicology test results can take several months and autopsy report can takes up to a year.

Information may be restricted for privacy reasons and reports are only provided to the public once the investigation is finished.

2) Autopsy:

An autopsy may be ordered to determined the cause of the death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present.

All autopsies and toxicology tests are performed in three different southern facilities (Ottawa,           Edmonton, Winnipeg) by qualified pathologists.

The Office of the Chief Coroner will make arrangements and cover the cost of the body transport by air.

In rare occasions, organs may need more testing after the autopsy and families will be notified for consent.

If the Chief Coroner has declined to order an autopsy, the family can make arrangements for an autopsy and transportation at their own cost.

3) Funeral Planning:

The Nunavut Coroner Service makes every effort to accommodate the religious or cultural practices of the deceased and the family within its obligation to investigation.

Families will be advised when the body is expected to be released for funeral or ceremonial planning.

Arrangements and planning can begin before the autopsy is complete and the Chief Coroner will work with you on timing.

If the body is being transported to another jurisdiction or country, the Chief Coroner will     provide any necessary paperwork.

The Nunavut Coroner Services does not pay for any funeral services.




2-3 Months

Organ Retention at Autopsy

3 Months


2-3 Years

Specialized Reports